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Rockstar clean odell beckham

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In the 1950s, firearms expert Geoffrey Boothroyd wrote to Bond author Ian Fleming, with tongue only slightly in cheek, criticising his initial choice of a. Bond’s unofficial armourerīond’s own fictional relationship with the PPK came about in an interesting example of a fan being able to influence a production design choice. It will only be replaced as a personal defence weapon for aircrew this year by the new L113A1 Glock pistol that is set to replace the standard-issue Brownings and SIGs in current use. Once a personal choice, it seems that Bond’s preferred sidearm has made a comeback as the standard issue sidearm of MI6. Though unlikely to be the case in real life today, the slightly larger PP is indeed an official British military issue pistol, and one has seen use by Special Forces. It is perhaps ironic that one of post-war Britain’s greatest fictional heroes be armed with the same weapon. Some early PPKs, like the above example, were made for the Nazis during the Second World War. Walther Model PPK pistol, German (PR.12124)

Rockstar clean odell beckham